$250 deposit
+ 1 payment of $3,050
(Total $3,300)
$250 deposit
+ 1 payment of $3,050
(Total $3,300)
Cord blood and cord tissue are rich in powerful stem cells and can only be collected at birth for potential future use.
Stem cells from cord blood can be used now for medical treatments, and there is an expanding range of new therapies being researched that may use cord blood and tissue in the future.
Your baby's stem cells are a perfect match for your child and can potentially be used by siblings and close family members.
Siblings have a much higher probability of a match than an unrelated donor.
Collection of cord blood and tissue is performed by a trained Cell Care collector, obstetrician or midwife.
Cord blood collection takes place after the birth of the baby once the cord has been clamped and cut. The cord blood is collected into a sterile collection bag. The procedure is non-invasive for both mother and baby and takes around three minutes. The cord tissue is collected after the delivery of the placenta.
Cell Care has its own state-of-the-art processing and storage facility in Victoria. The facility has continuous CCTV security monitoring, controlled swipe card access and back-to-base intrusion alarms monitored by an external security company 365 days a year. Critical areas have been temperature-mapped and are continuously monitored. A 12,000L bulk liquid nitrogen tank maintains supplies to each cryogenic storage vessel via vacuum insulated piping, ensuring that the cells have a continuous source of liquid nitrogen.
The method of delivery does not affect the process of cord blood and tissue collection. Once your baby has been delivered and the umbilical cord clamped and cut, the collection can take place.
If you are having a caesarean delivery, our collection pack is completely sterile and suitable for use in theatre.
Currently there is no use-by date for cord blood stem cells. Published results suggest that after 27 years of cryopreservation, cord blood stem cells maintain viability.46
AGREEMENT TERMS (FIN-SF-003 – V.18 effective 04/10/2022)
This Agreement will commence on the date of receipt of the deposit and all properly completed and signed terms, consents and forms.
Cell Care Services
Cell Care will:
Payment for Services
You agree to pay all fees and charges in accordance with your chosen payment plan and payment method specified in Sections D and E above. All amounts payable under this Agreement include GST. If you choose to pay an Annual Storage Fee, the storage period will automatically renew for an additional 12 months on each anniversary of the first payment of the Annual Storage Fee until you give notice in writing to Cell Care of your intention not to renew the storage period.
All Annual Storage Fees will be increased annually on the anniversary of the first payment by the Consumer Price Index.
Refund Policy
Cell Care offers a refund policy as follows. If, for reasons beyond Cell Care’s control:
payable in accordance with your chosen payment plan and payment method specified in Sections D and E above. An administration fee will be added where an At Birth or One Time payment plan has not been chosen.
If you elect to cancel this contract prior to the birth of your baby and:
Circumstances in which this Agreement will end
This Agreement will end if:
Cell Care will make a pro-rata refund of Storage Fees for any unused storage period where any of points 1, 2, 6, 7 or 9 applies.
Disposal, transfer or donation at the end of this Agreement
If this Agreement ends:
Cell Care may use contractors to provide some of the services under this Agreement, including transportation and the choice of contractors is at Cell Care’s discretion. Cell Care requires all contractors to comply with Cell Care’s standard operating procedures, any regulatory licence(s) and all other medical and government guidelines which apply at the time.
Changes in law, regulations or medical standards
Cell Care may modify this Agreement if there is any change in law, governmental regulations or medical standards that directly affect this Agreement or the collection, processing or storage of Cord Blood or Cord Blood + Tissue. Cell Care will always let you know of any changes in writing.
You understand and acknowledge that:
1. Cord Blood or Cord Blood + Tissue collection may be unsuccessful for a number of reasons including, but not limited to:i) an insufficient quantity of Cord Blood for storage;ii) Cord Blood or Cord Blood + Tissue that is unsuitable for storage (for example, if the maternal blood samples test positive for certain infectious diseases, such as HIV);iii) complications occurring at birth which do not safely allow for Cord Blood or Cord Blood + Tissue collection. In such circumstances you understand that the obstetrician, midwife or collector engaged to perform the delivery will in their complete discretion determine whether the Cord Blood or Cord Blood + Tissue will be collected; iv) While Cell Care makes every effort to ensure all enrolled clients will have their cord blood or Cord Blood + Tissue collected, birthing is unpredictable from a time and process perspective. In circumstances where the date of client enrolment precedes labour by minimal time, or we receive short notice that labour has commenced, it may not be possible to coordinate the collection support necessary to ensure a successful collection. This may include, but is not limited to, sufficient time for a collection kit to be delivered on time or ensuring availability of a Cell Care collector.
2. if you have chosen to collect Cord Blood +Tissue, and the collection of only one of cord blood or cord tissue is successful, Cell Care will proceed to process and store that one product;
3. the decision to use cells derived from the cord blood or cord blood and tissue in treating your child or compatible relative will, subject to items 5 and 6 below, be your decision (or your child’s decision when he/she reaches 18 years) having regard to any advice from your medical practitioner(s);
4. release and transfer of cord blood for any purpose not approved by the TGA or to a facility not appropriately licenced by the TGA, may mean that the cord blood does not comply with TGA requirements for therapeutic release;
5. there is currently no medical or therapeutic use for cord tissue or cells derived from cord tissue;
6. even where a therapy using cord tissue or cells derived from cord tissue may become available in the future, there is no guarantee that cord tissue collected and stored by Cell Care pursuant to this Agreement under Cell Care’s current processes will be able to be released by Cell Care and/or used for the purposes of such therapy;
7. any fees or charges paid will only be refunded according to the Refund Policy contained in this Agreement; and
8. you must inform Cell Care in writing of any changes in your contact details including changes of name, address, telephone number, email address, banking details (if applicable) and emergency contacts.
No assurances
Cell Care does not warrant:
Release for use provisions - retrieval and release of cord blood for autologous or directed allogeneic use
If the cord blood is needed for the child from whom it was collected (‘autologous’) or any compatible family member (‘directed allogeneic’), you will need to write to us providing the name, address and contact telephone number of the medical practitioner who is requesting the cord blood for treatment.
Prior to release, we are required by law to:
Please note Cell Care is not permitted to release cord blood to you if, in our reasonable opinion, a registered medical practitioner has not requested the release, it becomes apparent that you intend to use the cord blood for a purpose that is illegal or we are restricted by law from releasing the cord blood.
If there is a dispute between you and Cell Care
In the unlikely event of a dispute arising between you and Cell Care, both parties agree to refer the dispute, if not satisfactorily resolved between them, to a mediator appointed by the Chairman of the Law Institute of Victoria.
Limitation of liability
Cell Care will be liable to you for any loss you directly incur as a result of any failure by Cell Care to carry out its obligations under this Agreement, up to the amount of fees you have paid to Cell Care.
Except as set out in this clause, Cell Care will not be liable for any claim, liability, loss or cost, whether direct or indirect, associated with this Agreement or any use of (or inability to use) the Cord Blood or Cord Blood + Tissue in the future, and you agree to release Cell Care from any such claims.
Cell Care knows that information you provide about you and your family may be highly sensitive and of a personal nature, and Cell Care assures you that it will treat all information confidentially, in accordance with what the law requires. Cell Care will not disclose your personal information to anyone except to the extent it is needed to facilitate the collection, processing, storage or release of the Cord Blood or Cord Blood + Tissue or if Cell Care is required by law to do so.
Governing law
The laws of the State of Victoria apply and the parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of that State.
I have read and understood all of the above. I acknowledge that Cell Care Australia Pty Ltd may terminate this Agreement if it is later discovered that any information provided is incorrect.
Fin-SF-003 v18 effective 04/10/2022