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World-First – Youngest child undergoes own cord blood reinfusion to potentially prevent or delay type 1 diabetes

As reported on Channel 9 on the 8th of January 2017, an Australian girl was the youngest recipient of an umbilical cord blood reinfusion to delay or prevent the onset of type 1 diabetes.

20 month old Lucy, from NSW stored her cord blood with Cell Care in 2015. She received her own cord blood as part of the Phase 1 CORD study (Cord Reinfusion in Diabetes) being conducted through the Kids Research Institute at The Children’s Hospital at Westmead.

Cell Care is proud to be supporting this world first clinical trial and ground breaking cord blood research.

About the Study

Australian researchers at the Kids Research Institute, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, investigatd the potential of cord blood to prevent or delay the onset of type 1 diabetes in high-risk children using cord blood. Download further study information below.


Clinical Trial Information

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